WE SHARE... Part 7

Author: Divya Saksena By himself again, Browning waited for the splinters of memory to hit him anew. Reading Tennyson again, m’dear? My favorite poet, as you well know. Ulysses “Though much is taken, much abides.” We share a common history. We share. He looked down at the now clean inscription, rescued briefly from the onslaught of dust, and bent to touch it once…twice. Then, turning, he made his way towards the gate from which he had entered. The courtyard was now dotted with knots of people, chatting and laughing as they waited for the evening service. Several curious glances and some tentative smiles came towards him as he edged around the enormous plinth that was all that remained of the magnificent monument put up by Metcalfe for his murdered friend Fraser. A polite smile fixed to his face, he let out a breath of relief as he came through the gate into the street and paused to get his bear...