WE SHARE... Part 3

Author: Divya Saksena

Browning followed the priest’s gaze across the courtyard as a small figure came hurtling across towards them, a little girl of perhaps eight or nine years, pigtails flying behind her. She flung herself at Father Antony who, laughing, fended her off from clutching his legs as she skidded to a stop beside them talking all the while

“Father Antony! Here I am! Are we late? It’s not dark yet… Can I get candles now? Mummy .and Papa are just coming. You must wish me! I got presents! Who is this?”

“Hold on, Peapod! Let me get a word in! Wish you a very happy birthday!”

The child shook hands solemnly with the pastor, eyeing Browning as she did so. Her parents came up, a young Indian couple, both carrying a bucket of water, washcloths and sponges.

“Peapod! Stop bothering Father Antony like that! Come on, let’s get to work or it will be dark soon.”

The little girl hurried to the grave that Browning had been working on, then stopped and spun around. “It’s almost clean!” she cried accusingly. “Who did that?”

“I cleaned it up a bit,” confessed Browning, a trifle awkwardly.

Dark eyes swept over him speculatively. “Why? Why did you clean my grave?”

In case you missed Part1 click here 

To Be Contd...

About the author:
Dr Divya Saksena earned her PhD in English from The George Washington University, USA I 2003. She has taught English and Women's Studies in the USA, Canada and India for over 18 years. She is an avid reader and prolific writer.


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