WE SHARE... Part 2

Author: Divya Saksena

Browning rose to his feet as he smiled back, looking down first at the inscription, now almost clear of dust, then regretfully at his ruined handkerchief.
“I’m Father Antony, of St James.”
“James Browning.”
The priest’s dark eyes darted a quick glance sideways at the gravestone then at his face. “Ah, I see! A relation?”
“Mama...I mean, my mother…”

“I understand. But this is your first visit?
Browning’s lips twisted. “Not really. The first time was when…”
“Yes, yes, of course. May I help in any way?”
“I’m almost done. It’s much cleaner than I expected. Do you maintain all the graves here? I’m impressed!”

“We do what we can. Actually, you should thank your friends who come every year and clean it up.”
Browning looked puzzled, as well he might. “My friends?”
“Yes, indeed. A lady and her two sons. They’ve been coming every Christmas for quite a few years now. Earlier her husband used to come too, but the last couple of years it’s just the three of them. I think she is a widow now and they are Hindus, as I guessed from the one time I spoke with them.”
“What are their names?”
“Well, the older son responded when I spoke to them. He said his name is Rajbir Singh and he is employed with the Delhi Police.”
Browning shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know these people. Why should they come?”
“That I cannot say. But they are not the only ones. There are others…in fact I was waiting for them when I spotted you from my window.”
“Others?” A stab of resentment shot through him. More strangers messing about here.
“A young family. They come on this day every year….ah! and here comes one of them!”

In case you missed Part1 click here

To Be Contd...

About the author:
Dr Divya Saksena earned her PhD in English from The George Washington University, USA I 2003. She has taught English and Women's Studies in the USA, Canada and India for over 18 years. She is an avid reader and prolific writer.


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