WE SHARE... Part 5

Author: Divya Saksena

Rajan added, “She was just a few days old. She was born on today’s date, 27th June, and we fixed the ceremony for 1st July. And that’s when it happened!”

Anita took up the story again. “We were early, and brought her out here to try and keep her calm, but we were still arguing about more names. Then suddenly Rajan stopped here and pointed out the names that we could just make out. It seemed perfect.”

Rajan smiled. “Not just the names, the dates seemed to fit too. As a historian, it was too much for me to ignore!”

Anita looked worried. “We just took the names for our daughter. Please don’t be offended, but there seemed nobody that we could ask.”

“I’m not offended!” said Browning quickly. “She looks a great kid. I’m glad that you found something that worked for you.”

Father Antony joined in. “She is indeed a great kid. And here she comes again at sixty miles per hour!”

“I’m back!” Preeti huffed up importantly. “And Father Michael gave me two red candles and a lightning tiger.”

“Lighting taper,” Browning couldn’t help himself.

“Yes that.” She looked at the gravestone. “It’s not clean! Papa, you said you would clean it!”

“We’ll do it together, it’ll be clean in two ticks.” And the three of them went to work with a will, scrubbing and wiping until the entire inscription shone again. Rajan stuck two red candles, in little puddles of their own wax, at the base of the inscription and Anita circled them with a garland of crimson marigolds. Browning stepped forward and quietly placed a single red rose between the candles.

“We’re ready!” announced Rajan, trying to wipe his hands on the edge of his wife’s sari and evading her exasperated slap. Preeti skipped from one foot to another in excitement. “It looks nice! Doesn’t it look nice? Look there are my names!”

“Which ones?” asked Browning.

She pointed. “There! Those ones. Emily Anne.”

“So your full name is…?”

“Preeti Emily Anne Paul! P.E.A.P! Peapod!” A sudden frowning glance slanted up at him. “You mind?”

“Not at all”

“We share?’


A stinging shard of memory. Charles dear, you must share your toys with your brother!

 To Be Contd...

About the author:
Dr Divya Saksena earned her PhD in English from The George Washington University, USA I 2003. She has taught English and Women's Studies in the USA, Canada and India for over 18 years. She is an avid reader and prolific writer.


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